New Website and Online Store
Building a new website has provided me with a timely opportunity to focus on what’s important and where I want to go. Digging through a career of photos, exhibitions, artwork and experiences, this exercise inspired a new attitude and sense of possibility toward the internet landscape. What does that mean? After years of working the internet at arms length, I’m embracing this medium to pass on knowledge, allow more people to see my work and understand the process. It is an exciting change for an old dog and with any luck I’ll be able to learn a few new tricks. On a more practical note, my contemplations have already lead to change, producing many more new offerings on the site - check out the list below….
A new online store, featuring a collection of Brent Lynch’s favourite ‘Plein Air’ pieces in constant rotation. Limited edition reproductions and open prints will soon be available.
The first time offerings of Zoom Workshops, Physical Workshops and One on One mentorship sessions with the master – with easy, online sign up and access to session recordings.
New Works Large and middle size Lynch originals are featured in designated gallery sections under ‘New Works’ - linked for an easy connection between the painting and Brent’s representatives.
A more comprehensive commissions section – including example projects and information on the process.
An extensive history and biography of the artist, including various pictures from the years and an artist cv.
A greater sense of community with more videos and social media activity.