My son Kyle, put this fine video together while accompanying me on a few field trips around my place in Nanoose Bay BC Canada. Please follow and like us:Read more
Show and Tell Exhibition in Cabo, Mexico
The Ida Art Victoria Gallery, March 19th 2014: The gallery held a Brent Lynch solo show along with a visual presentation of my work the other night. The attendance enjoyed some appetisers, wine and good conversation before we began the presentation of my artistic exploits and history. I spoke of my relationship with Cabo that dates back to the early 80’s. I first discovered the Baja on a surf and windsurf trip in 1979 and fell for its austere beautyRead more
Exhibition,’Wild and Sacred Places’ 2015
Charlie Easton, Nicholas Bott and myself are featured in an exhibition at the ‘Mountain Gallery at the Fairmont’ in Whistler from January 10th through to the 24 th. If you are in the area please drop in. My collection of paintings are a kind of ‘Ode to Whistler’…. big part of my youth and later Blackcomb / Whistler became a long time client as a professional artist. I created artistic event posters and paintings through the early 80 and 90’s and watchedRead more